"Some cities and regions seem to have been more successful than others in making strategic choices about culture, and in ensuring long term benefits to their investment. What can be learnt from their experience?" To this goal the European Commission tasked EUROCITIES to identify the best European practices and among them cities to serve as bases for study visits and knowledge transfer.


Out of 181 applications the experts selected 70 good practices, and out of them they selected 15 European cities and regions to host study visits and share their know-how and coach other cities. Sofia is one of these 15 - a great recognition and visibility at the European level. Sofia's featured good practice is the Fund for Innovations in Culture, coordinated by SDA.


You can read Sofia's case study HERE.


The catalogue with all good practicies is available at: http://www.cultureforcitiesandregions.eu/culture/Catalogue


Cultural Innovations Fund

e-mail: office@sofia-da.eu



bul. "Patriarh Evtimii" 92
Sofia 1463, Bulgaria



1, Serdika Str., 3rd fl.,
Sofia 1000, Bulgaria




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