This year the City Council programme "Europe" launches a pilot session in collaboration with the Fund for Innovations in Culture. The experiment concerns the 3rd priority axis which aims to encourage innovations and facilitate the application of successful best practices in Sofia.


The open call focuses on encouraging intelligent and sustainable urban development through strengthening innovative actions in the public sector, realized in cooperation between citizens, civil organizations and local government. The project proposals under the 3rd priority axis can be submitted online. The activities will be managed jointly by the Programme Council of the "Europe" programme and the Managing board of Sofia Development Association.


The 3rd priority axis supports project proposals aimed at:

  • supporting citizens' contribution to identifying and guiding the innovation potential of the capital to economic, social and cultural dimension
  • exploring and applying best European practices and their outcomes in innovations in the public sector and urban development
  • supporting the development of innovative projects aiming to achieve intelligent, sustainable and integrating growth


The projects must be submitted from 6th February to 6th March 2015


Find detailed information about the open call in the Application Guidelines.



The pilot "Sharing Sofia" programme 2014 hAas expired.


The Fund for Innovations in Culture announces the first call for proposals for eligible institutions in the field of culture. Interested artists, independent organizations in the field of culture and academic institutions, located in and working on the territory of Sofia and the Southwest Region are invited to submit proposals for innovative, artistic projects.

The Fund’s first session will support projects offering innovative interpretations of the creative program of Sofia and the Southwest region for European Capital of Culture 2019, Sharing Sofia. Eligible projects are expected to focus on season 3, “Future Reflective:” Sharing Possibilities, Sharing Creativity, and Sharing Dreams. (See the full text of the concept Sofia 2019 at

Deadline for online submission of project ideas: September 23, 2014.
Deadline for submission of hard copies of project proposals: September 24, 2014.

Project submissions can be submitted in Bulgarian and English.

We especially encourage entries that develop partnership and joint initiatives between cultural organizations and artists in Sofia and the Southwest region.
Detailed information about the program’s official requirements and CFP can be found in the Guide for Applicants.


Mtel Logo 7L















 Logo-Ch-Bros studio










Cultural Innovations Fund




bul. "Patriarh Evtimii" 92
Sofia 1463, Bulgaria



1, Serdika Str., 3rd fl.,
Sofia 1000, Bulgaria



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