Ontotext join the partners of the first Hackathon supported by Sofia Municipality and will provide a special award - Innovation with linked data.
The team which develops the most innovative solution to improve the life of Sofia residents based on open and linked data will receive 1000 leva and support for the implementation of the solution, including mentoring and licenses for GraphDB SE.
The big award of 10 000 leva is provided by the Fund for Innovations with the support of Mobiltel.
The Hackathon is organized by the Fund for Innovations and Innovation Starter within the Innovation Academy 2016.
The organizing of the Hackathon is:
- in connection with the implementation of the Strategy for Smart Specialization of Sofia and the Action Plan for 2016;
- in support of popularizing the image of Sofia as a DIGITAL CAPITAL OF NEW MARKETS;
- and part of the institutional development of the Fund for Innovations in Culture supported under the "Development of Community Foundations" project, Workshop for Civic Initiatives Foundation.